Thursday 27 March 2014

T. H. LANCASTER, Wyee assaulted, 1928.


Evening News Sydney, NSW
21 Jan 1928


MORRISET courthouse was disturbed yesterday afternoon by a scene that Mr. Perry. SM., described as without equal In his long experience.

JOHN Harding, charged with having assaulted T. Lancaster, at Wyee, appeared in court and took his place in the witness box.

Informed that that was not his place, he replied to Mr. Perry that he didn't care where he went.

He would plead guilty, and it was Immaterial to him what they did to him; whether they gave him four days or four years.

Asked by the S.M If he was addressing him. Harding replied that he was.
“Is this, man drunk.” Mr. Perry Inquired of the constable. “Yes” was the response.

“You are fined 13. In default 24 hours gaol, for being drunk in my presence,” said the S.M


When Constable M'Geoch was removing Harding from the courthouse to the cells at the rear. Harding attacked him, knocked him on the floor of the anteroom, and kicked him over the left eye, Inflicting a wound that later had to be stitched by a doctor.

The cries of Mrs. M' Geoch brought Messrs. W. C. Rutherford, storekeeper, of the Sulphide Corporation. Speer's Point, and the head warder of the Mental Hospital, James Carrol, who happened to be in court, to the assistance of the constable, who was knocked out.

After great difficulty, Harding was locked in the cell. As soon as Mr. Rutherford left, he again attacked the constable and laid him out a second time.


The prisoner eventually was overcome and was brought back to court with blood on his face.

The SM. said he would ask that a constable be sent from Newcastle to take the defendant there, and he would be dealt with the following morning on three charges of having assaulted the police and the two assistants  
”And I will hear the case,” added Mr Perry.

J. J. Watkins. Solicitor, who was appearing for Lancaster, also joined in the melee to assist the constable, but escaped with slightly-damaged spectacles.

LINK:to T H Lancaster Obituary.

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